Children’s Classes
Sunday School – Sundays at 9:15 am
Our Sunday School classes provide age-appropriate Bible lessons and learning activities which encourage physical and spiritual development. Each class is led by dedicated and skilled teachers who are committed to teaching God’s Word.
Children’s Church – Sundays at 10:00 am
Our children’s churches provide sound Bible teaching, great worship, and fun activities. Review games, Bible characters, Puppets and more are an exciting part of our kid’s church program! Leaders teach and disciple children in both a large and small-group setting.
The Nursery is open for all services.
Babies and toddlers ages birth-24 months are welcome in our nursery. A Nursery leader will meet you at the check-in area to receive your child, diaper bag and any other necessary items. Please sign in and note any information that will help in caring for your child such as feeding times, sleeping times, allergies and special needs. At the time of check-in, a Nursery leader will give you a security pager so that we can contact you if you are needed throughout the church service.
Sign in and Well Child Policy:
Each child must be signed into the nursery using the clipboard at the nursery entrance. If you are concerned that your child may need you during the service, you may request a pager from our nursery staff. If a child exhibits symptoms of a contagious illness, his parents may be asked to keep him with them to help prevent the spread of cold, flu, and other sicknesses.